Moncton Place at Dusk (2005)

The trees are bare as this 360° panoramic image was captured in mid-May. Looking towards the Moncton city hall building you will see what looks like a four-legged animal, this is actually an item part of a sculpture which is part of the fountain. You may also notice the Moon and its reflection in a window of the building next to City Hall.

A cylindrical version of this panorama is displayed on the World Wide Panorama website.

Location: Place Moncton, Moncton, NB, Canada
Approximate GPS location on Google Maps: 46 5 21.12 N 64 46 30.36 W.
Date: 2005/05/12
Details: 360 x 180 degrees, full spherical panorama
Although it seems the area is empty of people, the white streaks indicate cars moving and if you look carefully beyond the row of flag poles, you will see "ghosts" of a group of people moving during the 5-second exposure.